Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I don’t like your work?
We're not here to just take your money. We want ALL of our clients to be excited about working with BeauxArts. But on rare occasion the client and our creators just do not "gel". We're not able to create what you're looking for. And that's okay. We're all Human and sometimes Humans just cannot work with each other.
Once you purchase your services, if it looks like we're not creating something you absolutely love, then we'll refund any unused portion of your services fee, depending on how far we are in the service process.
Out of the hundreds of clients we've created works for, we have only ever had to refund a tiny few, exactly 2 actually. You can be rest assured that BeauxArts will deliver something exceptional that you absolutely love!
When do I make my purchase?
Please wait until we have "green lit" your project. We will contact you via email or chat to let you know that your project has been accepted.
Who is hosting my website? is a sister company of BeauxArts. When we design your website you never leave the BeauxArts family and we take care that your site is up and running 24-7. Your site is hosted on Amazon servers and we provide you with low-level cPanel access to your site if you really want to get your hands dirty. However, for most authors, we can handle any updates to your site as your web team. All websites use WordPress with licensed customized themes and components.
Why wouldn’t my book be accepted?
BeauxArts is a small elite design studio. We have limited talented people and as such we cannot accept every project. This doesn't mean you are a bad author. It often means there are only so many hours in a day and we are swamped.
We also do not accept certain work because it doesn't fit our creative scope. We don't do comic books, for example.
We also prefer to work with genuinely happy and pleasant clients. BeauxArts has dropped a few clients in the past because they were difficult individuals to work with.