How do I get started?
Click the Contact Us link and fill out the New Project contact form. Be sure to include as much information about your project as possible. BeauxArts will usually respond within a few hours of receiving your New Project request form.
When do I make my purchase?
Please wait until we have "green lit" your project. We will contact you via email or chat to let you know that your project has been accepted.
Why wouldn’t my book be accepted?
BeauxArts is a small elite design studio. We have limited talented people and as such we cannot accept every project. This doesn't mean you are a bad author. It often means there are only so many hours in a day and we are swamped.
We also do not accept certain work because it doesn't fit our creative scope. We don't do comic books, for example.
We also prefer to work with genuinely happy and pleasant clients. BeauxArts has dropped a few clients in the past because they were difficult individuals to work with.
What happens if I don’t like your work?
We're not here to just take your money. We want ALL of our clients to be excited about working with BeauxArts. But on rare occasion the client and our creators just do not "gel". We're not able to create what you're looking for. And that's okay. We're all Human and sometimes Humans just cannot work with each other.
Once you purchase your services, if it looks like we're not creating something you absolutely love, then we'll refund any unused portion of your services fee, depending on how far we are in the service process.
Out of the hundreds of clients we've created works for, we have only ever had to refund a tiny few, exactly 2 actually. You can be rest assured that BeauxArts will deliver something exceptional that you absolutely love!
How many versions will you create?
We try to create as few "versions" of a cover as possible since each version takes time. By asking you the right questions, by actually reading your work, we can typically get a great feel for the type of cover that will display and sell your book the best.
We typically ask clients to show us the types of covers they's seen that they like. Then we'll ask about color scheme and content. If your work is a business book, what is your unique selling proposition—this should be the title, or as close to the title as possible.
Keep in mind that what we create may not be exactly what you think you need. We are marketing experts. Overly complex covers are a distraction in the marketplace. No one is going to notice specific story details on the cover.
Once we set the direction for the cover, we'll typically then make incremental adjustments, "revisions", to your liking.
How do I make payment?
BeauxArts maintains a secure payment screen right on our website. Payments are made in-full via our accepted payment methods. We use one of the most secure payment systems on Earth and your card information is never stored on our servers.
How long will my project take to complete?
Once your project is on the schedule and we begin, usually within 2 to 3 weeks.
Can I cancel the project?
Absolutely. If you need to cancel your project for any reason, BeauxArts will refund any unused portion of your payment. This mean we will calculate the number of hours we've actually spent on your project and deduct those billed hours from the service fee paid. If you cancel the project after only a few days, you would receive the majority of your service fees refunded. If you cancel the project half-way through, you can expect to receive about half of your service fees refunded.
We always try to treat our clients as we ourselves would like to be treated. We're up-front about the time and expertise it takes to produce exceptional work. You don't work for free and neither can we. If we invest 30 hours of our time on your project and you decide to cancel, we still expect to be paid for our time invested in your project.
Note that if you cancel a project before it is complete, BeauxArts does NOT transfer any rights to our creative to you; and we retain all collateral. What this means is that you are not just buying our time. We have invested decades of our lives building expertise in this industry. It is this deep experience that you are buying as well.
Please read our standard Terms of Services for the legal details of canceling a project.
Do I need a Non-disclosure Agreement?
All BeauxArts projects are under a general NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) the moment you contact us with your project details. We do not share the details your project or our communications with anyone outside of BeauxArts without your permission. An NDA is built right into our Terms of Service.
Do I own all of the creative work BeauxArts produces for me?
Yes. We operate under a "work for hire" contract with you. That means that you own all of the work BeauxArts produces for you including creative collateral such as Photoshop files, Word or InDesign files, images, etc. You can take and do with those files anything that you wish without needing any permission from us.
Images—You will not have exclusive rights to certain royalty-free images that we may use from various stock image providers. We provide these to you free of charge, but understand that these images, videos (for websites), and other content are free for you to use with or within your project. Such use is very much industry standard with any publishing project.
Updates—If you need changes or updates to collateral after the project is complete, we will be happy to make such changes for an hourly fee.
Fonts—BeauxArts utilizes an extensive library of licensed fonts that we have invested thousands of dollars into. Because of these licensing agreements. we unfortunately cannot provide you with licensed fonts. If you need changes or updates to collateral that uses a licensed font, we will be happy to make such changes after the project is complete for an hourly fee.
Cancellations—Note that if you cancel a project before it is complete, BeauxArts does NOT transfer any rights to our creative to you; and we retain all collateral. What this means is that you are not just buying our time. We have invested decades of our lives building expertise in this industry. It is this deep experience that you are buying as well.